Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The Fighting Noodle has lost his fight against the colon cancer monster, be although his battle is over, the war wages on.  Our friend Taryn, faces a big challenge tomorrow with her liver surgery.  Please take a moment to keep her in your prayers.  The surgery is long and difficult.  

Taryn has been a brave warrior!  But she is also awesome and kind.  She even took the time to come to Matthew's services.  

Thank you in advance for continuing to support and pray for others who fight this war.  We're cheering for you Taryn!

Friday, March 28, 2014


Just in case anybody needs or wants this information.

Viewing for the public will take place:
Monday, March 31st 5-8 PM at 
Stroud Funeral Home
538 N. Hwy 288B 
Clute, TX 77531 

And April 1st 9:30-11 at 
St. Michael’s Catholic Church
100 Oak Dr S, 
Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Funeral Services will begin at 11:00.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Dear Matthew

Dear Matthew,

This morning, around 9:30, you left us.  We are going to miss you so much.  I know that you did so many things in this life to try to protect us from hurt.  This hurts, but we will be OK.  Thank you for allowing us to share this journey with you.

This life wasn't the easiest for you.  You faced many adversities, and your day-to-day as an adult was anything but easy or comfortable.  Yet, you did it, and then you did more to help others.  We knew that, but it was only through this journey, that we were able to see and share just HOW MANY people you made an impact on in this life.

  I have faith that we will see you again.  Until then, we will carry your memories with us as an inspiration and a reminder that we are here to help each other.

Love Always,
All of Us


Thank you to all of his friends and our extended family.  Arrangements will be posted when they are finalized. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


It is many people know and love Matthew.  So many of you don't know him, but have shared the journey, prayed for us and him, and loved us through the journey.  I started this blog to keep family and friends updated on his status.  To date, this blog has had more views than I would have ever thought possible...around 23,000.  To know that Matthew's story has touched that many people is just awesome.

The time draws near for Matthew to leave us on his next great adventure.  He has had several visitors today, but is unresponsive. His heart rate is high. Aunt Naomi and Uncle Vince are visiting this evening.

 We pray that he is comfortable for the remainder of his time. I pray that my parents can feel God's presence and find some comfort in that.

Matthew was a big Calvin and Hobbes Fan.

--It never makes sense...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday--My Way

Matthew was pretty unresponsive today.  He was not interested in any fluids.  He seems to be in pain when being moved around. He had some visitors yesterday and this morning.  Jeffrey has been watching TV with him....lots of nature shows and documentaries, which were things Matthew always enjoyed growing up.  

Our Aunt Debbie wanted to share the song...My Way, which suits Matthew so perfectly.

And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full
I traveled each and ev'ry highway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way

Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do , I saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the highway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
And through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way

I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fill, my share of losing
And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way,
"Oh, no, oh, no, not me, I did it my way"

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
The right to say the things he feels and not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows and did it my way!

We appreciate your prayers for peace and comfort during the final days. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday again

The cover picture on Facebook is from the wedding of really close family friends Chris and Jennifer McCreary (2005). Here is another I would like to share.

It's Monday again...everybody's favorite day right?

Dominique, Matthew's usual hospice nurse was back today.  Matthew seems to like her---he will cooperate with her, which is always a good sign(but we like her too).  Matthew's heart rate was a bit on the high side, but his respirations are still improved from Friday.  He pretty much stuck to the bed today. He slept a lot, but he did drink some water, and make a couple requests to my Dad.

This poem has been on my mind lately.  I think it totally represents Matthew's fight.

Matthew didn't live his life in a way that everybody understands, but that is OK.  We love him anyway.  

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday ---what?

Friday we were told 24 is Sunday.  Matthew was up, sitting in a chair, watching tv, and telling me that I needed to go "Have lunch with my co-conspirators."  When I was leaving I told him that I was sorry I had to go, but I needed to go home to Evan and Claire.  He told me, "It's your job."  

He is much improved.  He is also taking in fluids, which include a protein drink.  He has been asking for a lot of fluids. The swelling in his legs has gone down, and his respirations have improved.  He is still tired and needs some help getting around.  Although he is talking, it is very limited, and he is still nonreponsive at times.

  If you still want to visit, you still have some time.  If you still want to write, there is still some time.  Do not wait though, take the opportunity, not one of us knows how much time we have. 

Matthew has lived his entire life on his own terms.  He has never let anybody decide what he should do, how he should act, or pretty much anything else.  It seems that this journey will be the the same.  It will be on his own terms and in his own time.  

Thank you, Thank you, for the continual outpouring of love and support.  

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Saturday--Still holding on

Apparently, Matthew didn't get the memo about his expected behavior. This evening he came downstairs (with help), tried to pour himself some coffee, and told us we were embarrassing him.  He didn't talk a lot today, but he let us know with his few comments that his sarcasm and sense of humor is still there.

Matthew had several visitors today, for which we are grateful.  This experience has definitely shown me that there are friends that we may not even know yet, and I am continually learning what an amazing man my brother is.   I want to share this song, and say thank you for all the love.

Friday, March 21, 2014


It is late, Jennifer and I drove in this evening, so everyone is here to sit vigil with Matthew.   The end is near.

Matthew is amazing.  He has still been up moving around.  He waved goodbye to some friends, who were visiting, and he responded to me when I asked some questions, and showed him some pictures.  He sat up in the bed, walked to the bathroom, and has actually been up and down the stairs today.  This should not be possible for him.  

If I haven't mentioned it lately, our mother is amazing.  She has been a devoted tireless and selfless caretaker.  We couldn't ask for more.

Amelia randomly found this in the house and brought it to Matthew.  I took it and moved it later, and she picked up again and brought it back.  She was insistent that he should have it.

You all have shown our family so much love.  It helps.  Every little bit helps.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Matthew is actually home.  He wanted to go home, and they were able to get his pain under control, so they brought him home.  He was readmitted to hospice this evening, and was sleeping when I spoke with my mom.  He actually walked up and down the stairs too!  

Jeffrey, Stephen, and Emily are all in town.  They have been helping out with yard work and errands, etc.  

I have nothing else....

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Matthew was much more alert and lucid today.   He had several visitors, and was responsive (a little) to them.  He was restless last night, and was wanting to get up quite a bit.  He sat on the side of his bed and ate ice chips. 

The hospice situation is still up in the air.  The case worker at MDA is actually the one looking for placement.  Several hospice facilities will not accept transfers, others won't do a pump for pain management, others don't have openings....etc...   For now, he is comfortable, and that is what we are most concerned about.  I asked why he has to   MDA offers a very high level of care, and insurance balks at paying for it if his care can be handled elsewhere.  It is possible that we may hear something tomorrow,  

There have been questions about visitors.  We are not refusing visitors, Matthew just may not be very responsive.  He also tires easily and sleeps a lot.  

We would still love for you to write a letter.  We are still sharing them with him.  You can email at or send via Facebook.  

For now, we wait, and watch, and pray.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Matthew was a little more responsive today.  He was able to tell the nurses he didn't like his sponge bath.  He also asked my mom, "What happened?"  He has been kind of agitated and keeps trying to get up out of bed.   Where he will finish his days is unclear.  The local hospitals do not accept hospice transfers.  MDA does not have inpatient hospice....this was a miscommunication/misunderstanding.  It is unclear whether we could keep him comfortable at home since he can't swallow.  I will share more as I know more.

I found this today, and thought I would share.....

As your time together draws to a close, remember that even though there is great sadness and difficulty in loss, you’re giving your loved one a great gift by accompanying him or her on such an important journey. 

Monday, March 17, 2014


Emily came in today, and is staying with Matthew tonight. I have heard that he was awake a bit, and that he made two sentences.  I hope I have these just right....they were..."Be quiet," and "Shut up."  So, I think that he is still in there.  He is sleeping most of the time.  At times, he is fairly unresponsive. I have included a picture.  He is covered in a lovely prayer shawl that was a gift from one of his friends at the bank.

Matthew's time left with us is short.  It is hard to tell exactly how short, because as you know, it is not up to us.  Last Friday, the doctors predicted 1-2 weeks.  

Our Grandfather Lawrence (Mom's Dad), passed away April 5, 2011--just one month before Matthew's diagnosis.  My Aunt Martha had a dream that I would like to share.  In her dream, my Grandfather came and talked to her.  He had the biggest smile on his face.  He said that he was getting ready to take Matthew home.  --Matthew loved his grandfather so....

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Move

Matthew has been moved to room 1256 at MDA.  This is the acute palliative care unit.  He is expected to stay there for the next 3-4 days, after which, he is expected to move to inpatient hospice.  They specialize in pain management.  His pain seems to be better controlled.  He is taking methadone now. He complains from time to time, but usually goes to sleep and is able to sleep through it.  He is sleeping the majority of the time, but he has been up for a couple of short walks.  Our desire now is for his suffering to be minimal.  Mom is currently at the hospital with him.  If you want to call or text her number is 856-296-3574.  He isn't up to talking much, but I have been reading him letters when he is up to taking the phone.

We are so appreciative of all of the Dear Matthew letters.  We have been so touched by them.  Thank you to all of you out there, that are walking this journey with us....whether you joined recently, or have been here all along.

For those that didn't know...this is a bit of Matthew's humor.  Matthew ended up with 3 cats--I don't know the story on that--but he named them, Death, Destruction, and Annacookie.  So he had, Death, Destruction -An-A-Cookie......

Friday, March 14, 2014

An Open Letter to Matthew-2

Dear Matthew,

My earliest memories are of you being born and coming home from the hospital.  I was a little more than 2...I don't remember a time before...

When you were little, you had a shirt that said, "Here comes trouble."  I used to blame you for everything.  I used to tell Mom and Dad, "Matthew wanted me to do it," when I would get into trouble for something. 

As you grew up, you were always dirty, scratched, and bug bitten.  You loved being outside.  You loved snakes, in fact, I am pretty sure that you are responsible for my fear of snakes......When I needed flowers for my science project, I could count on you to take me into the woods to find some water lilies.  You knew where to find them because you were always off in the "woods" exploring.  

We used to fight, but hey, you were my brother, that was what we were supposed to do, right?  It was usually because I was trying to be bossy, and you were refusing to go along with my authority.  

I will miss you....


....Update....Matthew is more comfortable in the hospital, but in order to keep his pain under control he is pretty sedated.  His oncologist came by to see him.  He recommended that we explore the option of hospice at MDA.  This is currently being considered.  He would have to be accepted, but the oncologist felt he would be a good candidate.  

The kids and I were visiting this week, so we go to spend some time with him before his turn for the worse, and we got to say goodbye at the hospital before we returned home.  

We greatly appreciate all of the prayers, thoughts, letters, and visits.  They have been wonderful for Matthew, and we are so appreciative as his family.  Thank you, Thank you...


Yesterday (Wednesday)evening Matthew started vomiting.  He took anti-nausea meds and extra pain meds, but woke during the night.  Vomiting continued this morning, along with a lot of pain.  The hospice nurse, Dominique came (she's wonderful by the way), and she gave him his options.  She explained that this was disease progression.  It is likely that he has a blockage caused by a tumor.  Matthew has chosen to return to the hospital to try to get some relief from the pain and vomiting.  He was admitted to MDA this evening.  They will work to get pain and vomiting under control.  Mom reports that he is resting now, and is very groggy even when he wakes. 

There are so many things I want to say, but for now, I ask for prayers for relief from his symptoms.  

If you still would like to write a letter, I encourage you to do so.  Time is not a friend.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

An Open Letter To Matthew-1


I could see you as an old man...cranky with people, and yelling at kids to "Get off my lawn," but in reality you are a big softy.  There are many things that you have done in your life that inspire me.  You are one of the most selfless people I know (pretty sure it is an inherited trait).

For myself, I remember a time when I was really down.  You asked what was wrong.  I gave you a list of things (most of which you could do nothing about), but also listed that my shoe had broken and I didn't have money for a new pair.  You told me you were sorry you couldn't fix the other things, but then said "But I can get you a new pair of shoes." --And you did....  That was one of many acts....

 There are so many times that you have given when you yourself had so little to give.  You have given people a place to sleep--at times, even your own bed.  When your air was broken, you would let others take the room in your house with the window unit.  You would work 70 hours in a week, and then on your day off go help a friend in need of a favor.  Time after time you gave others everything you had to give...time, money, energy, your shoulder, and the list goes on and on.  There were times we were angry with you because you gave so much.

Your actions were not unnoticed, and I am sorry I never told you how proud I was of you.  You are a wonderful man and a wonderful human being.


PS...for the others that are reading this.  My brother is not without flaws :-)  He is cranky and gruff (at times), stubborn, messy, and is rarely seen without a leather jacket --even when it is summer...So please know, that this is not just me putting him on a platform...this is Matthew.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dear Matthew

The hospice nurse came today.  Matthew has lost a little over 6 pounds since his visit to MDA last week.  She has added another patch to get him through the times when his regular patch is wearing off. 

 Emily started a project to allow people to share their favorite memories, stories, or any old thing they want to about Matthew.  If you don't really know Matthew, you can share how his story has impacted you.  Emily has shared brochures around Lake Jackson.  You can also find the Dear Matthew Project on Facebook at  .  Read below for more information.  You can send in multiple letters if you would like....

Do You Know This Man?

The Story So Far: In May 2011, Matthew began his epic battle against Stage IV Colon Cancer.  Despite the odds never being in his favor, he fought daily.  Still fighting like a mighty warrior, Matthew entered Hospice January 15, 2014.

This news might break your heart, make you hug your loved one, and/or wish to yourself that you could do something.

Well, You Can.

You have one short window of opportunity.

Join the “Dear Matthew” Movement.

The “Dear Matthew” Project:  Most are familiar with Dear John or a Dear Abby Letters – both letters provide the basic concept of the “Dear Matthew” letter.  However, the “Dear Matthew” Letter is different – it is empowering, it is forever, and, most importantly, it is rooted in love.  It is a letter (handwritten or typed) written to a loved one who is quickly approaching the end of their life.  Letters are written PRIOR to the person’s death, so our Matthew may:
(1)  Find joy and peace in by relishing in the memories and reminiscing about the countless good times, and
(2)  Know they are loved and will never be forgotten. 

The project is named in honor of Matthew Edward Haluska; Matthew means “Gift of God,” so writing a “Dear Matthew” letter is to send a letter that reinforces how precious the person is – so precious, he/she can only aptly be described as a “Gift of God.”  Lastly, the letters and pictures are being compiled into a book for my family – primarily for my parents (Earth Bound Angels), but if anyone else is interested in owning a copy, please reach out.

Dear Matthew Letter Topic Recommendations
L     Laughter: Life’s Best MedicineFunny Matthew Stories (the more detail the better! Include dates, ages, names, etc!!)
Lessons Learned - Did Matthew teach you something?  Tell him about it.  Tell him how it impacted your life.
The Early Years – Describe Matthew as a baby/child.  What do you remember?  Share a favorite story or memory.
 Something for the History Books – aka an epic Matthew story that you will never forget.
*For the Future*Describe Matthew to a stranger: what you love about him, quirks, best qualities, analogies- anything goes.
 Boy Scout Trail Tales – People who have a message that falls under this topic know exactly what I am talking about
 Remember When –  Share a memory (sad, funny, poignant, a snapshot in time) and how it makes you feel
Your Mother Would be Proud – When Matthew demonstrated to the world that his Momma Raised Him Right
Always On My Mind – Song, lyric, poem, or bible verse that reminds you of Matthew and why
 A 1000 Words – a child or you can draw a picture and submit it with a short note explaining the picture
What We Learned Along the Way – What you learned from Matthew’s journey and how it affected/impacted you.
The Ripple Effect – We May Have Never Met…and you don’t really know me…but
*This one is for the supporters - the friends of friends, people Matthew met once or not at all, the prayer groups, co-workers, etc.

Additional Instructions: (Write as many letters as you want) (I know you will not let Matthew down).
·      Typed Letters: – I’ll send you  an email confirming receipt
·      Handwritten Letters: 402 Huckleberry St.  Lake Jackson, TX 77566
·       With submission, include your name, contact information, when you met or how you know Matthew
·      *Everyone is asked to please submit a For the Future “letter” (short as a sentence) these letters are for his future relatives.
·      Include a picture –from whenever, your favorite picture, it can coincide with your letter or not.
·      Questions: Check out the soon to be created Facebook Page or (2) Email

***Dear Matthew content is  © 2014 by Emily G. Haluska. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any use of materials, including reproduction, modification, distribution or republication, without the prior written consent, is strictly prohibited.

Friday, February 21, 2014


My ability to think of post titles has left me.

Matthew asked to go for another set of scans.  The news was not what we were hoping for.  I guess, despite what we know, a small part of us wants to keep hoping for and believing in a miracle.  The scan results kind of dealt those hopes a nasty blow.  Since January, Matthew's tumors have doubled in size.  He has multiple tumors in his liver.

Dad reports that Matthew didn't really react to the news.  He seemed tired.  He slept most of the day today.  His pain has been managed pretty well, and when his pain is under control he does pretty well.

My great-aunt spoke of Matthew's sacrifice--the fact that as a result of his illness, others may live.  Maybe that will be through research, or maybe because somebody will get treatment earlier.  So, I want to take this opportunity to urge people to deal with any symptoms that they may be experiencing.  Poop is not something we like to talk about.  It is embarrassing.  Don't let that deter you from taking care of any issues.  It takes years for stage 1 to move to a stage 4.  Taryn, my coworker that I have mentioned before, was actually misdiagnosed as irritable bowel because she was so young.  If you have symptoms, GET THAT COLONOSCOPY.  It isn't fun, but I guarantee you, waiting is worse for everybody involved.

Taryn has had her first liver surgery.  She came through with flying colors.  She will have a short procedure tomorrow, and then will return to Houston for her big surgery on April 3rd.  Continued prayers are appreciated.  I am happy to say that Tammy has returned to work.  We missed her and are glad to have her back and doing well.   Continued prayers are appreciated for these others that are fighting the colon cancer monster.

We continue to welcome visitors.  Matthew does tire, and it may be better to call and see if he has a good pain patch ahead of time.  856-296-3574 (Mom) or 3573 (Dad)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Keep on Truckin

People have asked ( or have been afraid to ask) how Matthew is doing.  His pain has been under much better control with the pain patches---but watch out if you catch him when they wear off.  

In the last two weeks he has had several visitors.  We are grateful to all those that have come to visit...the visits have been good for Matthew.  Jennifer went back, Ladd, the kids and I visited, and Emily and Jeff are there this week.  He has actually gone out with them and spent some time with other friends on several occasions.

For now, we ate grateful for the time we have.  Visitors are welcome...just give Mom or Dad a shout.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Time Is Frozen

First of all, I want to thank all of those that have been praying for pain relief.  The hospice nurse has talked Matthew into trying a Fentanyl patch, and it seems to be helping.  The first couple of days with it were pretty good, but he has had to increase.  We are thankful that the nurse is working hard to make sure his pain is under control.

Time is not frozen, but at some moments it kind of seems like it, and at others, we wish it was.  What, at times, has been seen like a very long period of time, now seems quite short.

 He has been pretty tired, but Jenny, the kids, and I had a good visit with Matthew this weekend.  He played peek-a-boo with Amelia, listened to Claire read, and gave Evan video game advice.  He joked with Jenny and I about some things, got a foot massage from Jenny, a hard time from me, and took at couple of jaunts down memory lane.  He went out on Friday and Monday to visit the coffee shop and friends at Hastings (one of his favorite places), and went to church and lunch with the family on Sunday.  He has not been eating very much, but is doing pretty well with taking in fluids.

Matthew does like the visitors, but he does tire, so it may not be a long visit.  If you would like to visit, please call or text Mom (856-296-3574) or Dad (856)296-3573 to set it up.   Some people have also asked about my parent's address:  402 Huckleberry Dr., Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Thanks for all of your continued support and prayers.  We are very thankful.  I will make sure to share any messages that come my way.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

It's Real

It is here.  Matthew is being sent home from the hospital with hospice care.  He has been in so much pain.  He isn't ready to quit, but his body seems to be.  The doctor suggested he consider a trial, and if he improves, he could try chemo again.  Currently, he has lost too much weight and his blood pressure and heart rate have been too high to consider it

My sisters have both shared some thoughts, and I would like to share them with you (if you haven't seen them already)

From Rocky IV--via Jenny
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you're hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

From The Velveteen Rabbit--via Emily

"Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.'
'Does it hurt?' asked the Rabbit. 
'Sometimes,' said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. 'When you are Real you don't mind being hurt.' 
'Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,' he asked, 'or bit by bit?'

'It doesn't happen all at once,' said the Skin Horse. 'You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

To my velveteen rabbits. My love is beyond your imagination.

Once, when discussing music, Matthew told me he liked Johnny Cash.  This song came to mind when I heard the news. For those on a mobile device.  It is Johnny Cash's version of Hurt.

I started this post last night, but I couldn't finish it.  It makes it way too real.
Matthew will be at my parents' house.  Jennifer, the kids, and I will be visiting this weekend.  If you want to see or talk to Matthew, you can try Matthew's cell (979-665-9754), my Mom (856-296-3574) or Dad (856)296-3573.  Mom and Dad are both good with texts.

Pray for grace....

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Lost Socks

I spoke with Matthew this evening.  The early part of the conversation went like this:

Me: I hear you are causing trouble again
Matthew:  They took my socks...they don't care about them (hospital issue socks)
Matthew: well I feel like putting a boot up  (fill in the blanks)
Me:  well, that's probably why they took your boots first
Matthew: true

...this was a silly conversation, but the fact that he was joking around was definitely a good sign.

The past few days have been bumpy.  His obstruction gradually cleared, but he was having other struggles.  His blood pressure and heart rate had been high.  His oxygen levels were low.  He had several spikes of fever.  

It was determined that he had some fluid on his lungs, but they expected it to resolve itself.  They treated the bp and put him on oxygen and antibiotics.  These combined treatments seem to have gotten the fever, bp, and heart rate down, as well as the oxygen level up.  

They did a renal scan to check on the kidney function.  They determined that the ureta was now completely blocked, which resulted in fluid "sitting on his kidney."  The tumor is not in the ureta, it is in the peritoneum. It was compressing the ureta from the outside.  Today he had a procedure where they went in and placed a stent in the ureta to hold it open.  The procedure went well, but he had some blood pressure issues directly after.  I spoke with him after he was back in his room.

He also told me he had a wonderful nurse who had two degrees, and could also treat him if he was a porpoise (yes, marine biology degree).  He also wants me to encourage Claire to be a nurse.  

So overall, things are better.  He may even get sent home Friday.

In other news, Taryn has responded well to chemo, and is scheduled for liver surgery at MDA.  Tammy is also recovering from her cetaphil infection, and feeling better.

Thanks for all the prayers!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's a New Year

 Happy New Year!  I wish I could say it has been happy for all so far.  Unfortunately, Matthew has been in the hospital since New Year's Eve.  He went in to the emergency room at MDA with a suspected intestinal obstruction, which was later confirmed.  Before I go into more details, let me back up a  bit..

On December 18th Matthew went in for his quarterly MD Anderson appointments.  The news was not great.  There was 15% tumor growth.  One of the tumors is partially blocking one of his ureters. The doctor was also concerned with a chronic partial blockage in the small intestine. Matthew had an appointment to come back and revisit several of these issues at the beginning of this month. Due to the tumor growth, the doctor determined that the current chemo protocol was not working (although, due to hospitalizations, he had far fewer treatments than he should have had).   Matthew wanted to make it through Christmas, and he did.

To the present.  There are several current issues.  The number one is the blockage and the resulting pain.  He has been very miserable.  He is on pain medication, but they have ordered a pain pump in addition. He has also been having painful and persistent hiccups.  He has managed to get some liquids down and keep them down. Second, his blood pressure has been high.  They are doing additional tests to try to determine the cause of this.  Third, initial bloodwork I indicates that his kidney function is ok, but they will be doing some additional tests to determine if there are any issues on that front.

Mom is at the hospital, and Dad is working and holding down the fort with Isaac. Thanks to Christopher and Rachel for helping to keep them fed.

Of course, prayers are welcome. A small start would be for Matthew (and therefore Mom) to get some rest tonight.  

A quick update on my friends.

My coworker Taryn is supposed to be headed to MDA this week to determine if she is a surgical candidate.  My other coworker, Tammy, has recently finished chemo and radiation, but is currently in the hospital with a staph infection.  Prayers are appreciated for them as well., I will share this song with you...although written from a cancer patient's perspective, I completely agree with the sentiment.