Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Move

Matthew has been moved to room 1256 at MDA.  This is the acute palliative care unit.  He is expected to stay there for the next 3-4 days, after which, he is expected to move to inpatient hospice.  They specialize in pain management.  His pain seems to be better controlled.  He is taking methadone now. He complains from time to time, but usually goes to sleep and is able to sleep through it.  He is sleeping the majority of the time, but he has been up for a couple of short walks.  Our desire now is for his suffering to be minimal.  Mom is currently at the hospital with him.  If you want to call or text her number is 856-296-3574.  He isn't up to talking much, but I have been reading him letters when he is up to taking the phone.

We are so appreciative of all of the Dear Matthew letters.  We have been so touched by them.  Thank you to all of you out there, that are walking this journey with us....whether you joined recently, or have been here all along.

For those that didn't know...this is a bit of Matthew's humor.  Matthew ended up with 3 cats--I don't know the story on that--but he named them, Death, Destruction, and Annacookie.  So he had, Death, Destruction -An-A-Cookie......

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