Friday, March 14, 2014

An Open Letter to Matthew-2

Dear Matthew,

My earliest memories are of you being born and coming home from the hospital.  I was a little more than 2...I don't remember a time before...

When you were little, you had a shirt that said, "Here comes trouble."  I used to blame you for everything.  I used to tell Mom and Dad, "Matthew wanted me to do it," when I would get into trouble for something. 

As you grew up, you were always dirty, scratched, and bug bitten.  You loved being outside.  You loved snakes, in fact, I am pretty sure that you are responsible for my fear of snakes......When I needed flowers for my science project, I could count on you to take me into the woods to find some water lilies.  You knew where to find them because you were always off in the "woods" exploring.  

We used to fight, but hey, you were my brother, that was what we were supposed to do, right?  It was usually because I was trying to be bossy, and you were refusing to go along with my authority.  

I will miss you....


....Update....Matthew is more comfortable in the hospital, but in order to keep his pain under control he is pretty sedated.  His oncologist came by to see him.  He recommended that we explore the option of hospice at MDA.  This is currently being considered.  He would have to be accepted, but the oncologist felt he would be a good candidate.  

The kids and I were visiting this week, so we go to spend some time with him before his turn for the worse, and we got to say goodbye at the hospital before we returned home.  

We greatly appreciate all of the prayers, thoughts, letters, and visits.  They have been wonderful for Matthew, and we are so appreciative as his family.  Thank you, Thank you...

1 comment:

  1. Our prayers are with Matthew and his family!! Many blessings from the Robles family!
