Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Matthew was much more alert and lucid today.   He had several visitors, and was responsive (a little) to them.  He was restless last night, and was wanting to get up quite a bit.  He sat on the side of his bed and ate ice chips. 

The hospice situation is still up in the air.  The case worker at MDA is actually the one looking for placement.  Several hospice facilities will not accept transfers, others won't do a pump for pain management, others don't have openings....etc...   For now, he is comfortable, and that is what we are most concerned about.  I asked why he has to   MDA offers a very high level of care, and insurance balks at paying for it if his care can be handled elsewhere.  It is possible that we may hear something tomorrow,  

There have been questions about visitors.  We are not refusing visitors, Matthew just may not be very responsive.  He also tires easily and sleeps a lot.  

We would still love for you to write a letter.  We are still sharing them with him.  You can email at or send via Facebook.  

For now, we wait, and watch, and pray.

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