Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Time Is Frozen

First of all, I want to thank all of those that have been praying for pain relief.  The hospice nurse has talked Matthew into trying a Fentanyl patch, and it seems to be helping.  The first couple of days with it were pretty good, but he has had to increase.  We are thankful that the nurse is working hard to make sure his pain is under control.

Time is not frozen, but at some moments it kind of seems like it, and at others, we wish it was.  What, at times, has been seen like a very long period of time, now seems quite short.

 He has been pretty tired, but Jenny, the kids, and I had a good visit with Matthew this weekend.  He played peek-a-boo with Amelia, listened to Claire read, and gave Evan video game advice.  He joked with Jenny and I about some things, got a foot massage from Jenny, a hard time from me, and took at couple of jaunts down memory lane.  He went out on Friday and Monday to visit the coffee shop and friends at Hastings (one of his favorite places), and went to church and lunch with the family on Sunday.  He has not been eating very much, but is doing pretty well with taking in fluids.

Matthew does like the visitors, but he does tire, so it may not be a long visit.  If you would like to visit, please call or text Mom (856-296-3574) or Dad (856)296-3573 to set it up.   Some people have also asked about my parent's address:  402 Huckleberry Dr., Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Thanks for all of your continued support and prayers.  We are very thankful.  I will make sure to share any messages that come my way.

1 comment:

  1. the whole family is in our constant prayers --- the Buckner's in Louisiana, Ohio, New York, California, Oregon, Georgia all 24 of us
