Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Keep on Truckin

People have asked ( or have been afraid to ask) how Matthew is doing.  His pain has been under much better control with the pain patches---but watch out if you catch him when they wear off.  

In the last two weeks he has had several visitors.  We are grateful to all those that have come to visit...the visits have been good for Matthew.  Jennifer went back, Ladd, the kids and I visited, and Emily and Jeff are there this week.  He has actually gone out with them and spent some time with other friends on several occasions.

For now, we ate grateful for the time we have.  Visitors are welcome...just give Mom or Dad a shout.

1 comment:

  1. Matt,

    I'm not sure how much you'll remember me, but I certainly remember; and have nothing, but fond memories of you.

    I never post online and won't have the perfect words... so I'll just say what I feel at the moment. I HATE that this is happening, I'm angry, sad and upset at myself for not realizing sooner.

    I don't know if my post is appropriate for this blogspot or not but I have to get this out....you were a GREAT guy in H.S. (I'm sure you still are) and I'm TRULY blessed to have shared experiences in this life with you.

    You and your family will forever be in my thoughts and prayers.
