Friday, February 21, 2014


My ability to think of post titles has left me.

Matthew asked to go for another set of scans.  The news was not what we were hoping for.  I guess, despite what we know, a small part of us wants to keep hoping for and believing in a miracle.  The scan results kind of dealt those hopes a nasty blow.  Since January, Matthew's tumors have doubled in size.  He has multiple tumors in his liver.

Dad reports that Matthew didn't really react to the news.  He seemed tired.  He slept most of the day today.  His pain has been managed pretty well, and when his pain is under control he does pretty well.

My great-aunt spoke of Matthew's sacrifice--the fact that as a result of his illness, others may live.  Maybe that will be through research, or maybe because somebody will get treatment earlier.  So, I want to take this opportunity to urge people to deal with any symptoms that they may be experiencing.  Poop is not something we like to talk about.  It is embarrassing.  Don't let that deter you from taking care of any issues.  It takes years for stage 1 to move to a stage 4.  Taryn, my coworker that I have mentioned before, was actually misdiagnosed as irritable bowel because she was so young.  If you have symptoms, GET THAT COLONOSCOPY.  It isn't fun, but I guarantee you, waiting is worse for everybody involved.

Taryn has had her first liver surgery.  She came through with flying colors.  She will have a short procedure tomorrow, and then will return to Houston for her big surgery on April 3rd.  Continued prayers are appreciated.  I am happy to say that Tammy has returned to work.  We missed her and are glad to have her back and doing well.   Continued prayers are appreciated for these others that are fighting the colon cancer monster.

We continue to welcome visitors.  Matthew does tire, and it may be better to call and see if he has a good pain patch ahead of time.  856-296-3574 (Mom) or 3573 (Dad)

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