Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Lost Socks

I spoke with Matthew this evening.  The early part of the conversation went like this:

Me: I hear you are causing trouble again
Matthew:  They took my socks...they don't care about them (hospital issue socks)
Matthew: well I feel like putting a boot up  (fill in the blanks)
Me:  well, that's probably why they took your boots first
Matthew: true

...this was a silly conversation, but the fact that he was joking around was definitely a good sign.

The past few days have been bumpy.  His obstruction gradually cleared, but he was having other struggles.  His blood pressure and heart rate had been high.  His oxygen levels were low.  He had several spikes of fever.  

It was determined that he had some fluid on his lungs, but they expected it to resolve itself.  They treated the bp and put him on oxygen and antibiotics.  These combined treatments seem to have gotten the fever, bp, and heart rate down, as well as the oxygen level up.  

They did a renal scan to check on the kidney function.  They determined that the ureta was now completely blocked, which resulted in fluid "sitting on his kidney."  The tumor is not in the ureta, it is in the peritoneum. It was compressing the ureta from the outside.  Today he had a procedure where they went in and placed a stent in the ureta to hold it open.  The procedure went well, but he had some blood pressure issues directly after.  I spoke with him after he was back in his room.

He also told me he had a wonderful nurse who had two degrees, and could also treat him if he was a porpoise (yes, marine biology degree).  He also wants me to encourage Claire to be a nurse.  

So overall, things are better.  He may even get sent home Friday.

In other news, Taryn has responded well to chemo, and is scheduled for liver surgery at MDA.  Tammy is also recovering from her cetaphil infection, and feeling better.

Thanks for all the prayers!

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