Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Flashback and the Present

Ok--I promised a more thorough update, but life is getting the better of me, and time is getting away from me.  

So, let me back up a bit to the weekend of September 14-15.  Matthew and Dad came up to Dallas for a visit.  The brought Jenny some painting of Truffala Trees that Matthew had painted for her classroom (Dr. Suess and Lorax theme).  I will try to get her to take some pictures so I can post them.

They also brought me a present.  I have been wanting one of those Joy yard signs for Christmas for years.  Well--Matthew and Dad made one for me.  This is not the one they made (it is in the garage), but it looks like this, and I will take a picture when I put it up in my yard!

They got to watch Evan play baseball, and play on the playground with the girls. (Look at Claire's shirt)

We were really glad they got to come.  Matthew returned home in pretty good spirits, but a couple days later started having difficulty with abdominal pain. As stated in the previous post DejaVu--Matthew was admitted to the hospital for a blockage in his small intestine.

Fast forward a week to today.  Matthew has had a few setbacks--xrays found extended bowel loops.  Which basically means the blockage was putting pressure on the intestine.  The danger of this is rupture.  He has been off of all food and fluids...has had to be IV only.  He has been in quite a bit of pain.  Fortunately, it seems like he may have turned a corner.  The recent xrays showed that the blockage looks better, and he has been allowed to have clear fluids.  Jennifer spoke with him last night, and heard that he has lost 12 pounds!  The reports from today are that he has been in better spirits and has much lower pain levels.  This is good news!

I will try really hard to do short updates even if I don't have time to make it fancy!  Thanks for all of the continued thoughts and prayers. 

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