Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Deja Vu

I will give a more thorough update of all the news soon---hopefully tomorrow.   But, for now, a few quick, but necessary updates.

Matthew went in for his quarterly scans.  He has been having some abdominal pain.  The good news is that all the tumors have gotten smaller (don't know details right now).

The déjà vu part, is when they went for the appt they had to admit Matthew for another intestinal blockage.  It took a while to get him a bed, but he was finally admitted this evening.  He is on fluids, and pain meds.  He is sleping.  Right now, I  am assuming the course of action will be similar to the previous times.  Fluids and rest and wait.  They are saying no cell phones. If you need to you can call, 713-792-2121.  Then ask for room 1029.  

As always, prayers are great! 

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