Sunday, September 25, 2011

The First Cut is the Deepest

***Warning****  There is an image of Matthew's incision at the bottom which the squeamish may want to avoid.  I have a feeling it is kind of like a car accident can't help but slow down to take a look.

Matthew is doing very well.  Aunt Naomi and her husband, Uncle Vince, visited him Saturday evening. They reported that he walked quite a bit and seemed to be in good spirits.  He told them that he, "Has more bags than a bag lady."

The doctors are very pleased with his progress.  They actually considered releasing him today, but decided to wait until tomorrow to get one more set of test results. Matthew has been switched to oral pain medication.  The doctor came and pulled the drain for his liver cavity today.  He was sure that it would not be painful, but it put Matthew at level 10 on the pain scale.  The drain is the tube in the picture below.  I don't know the current schedule for follow up appointments or other treatment, but I will be sure to share as soon as I hear.

Thanks for all the wonderful wishes and thoughts. 


  1. 'Tis a mere scratch!

  2. Matthew and family -- you are in the thoughts / prayers of your mom's friends in Atlanta. Hope you feel much better soon!
    -- KC & Mel
