Sunday, June 5, 2011

Waiting for the Phone to Ring

Nothing new to report from the weekend.  I spoke with Matthew today.  He said he still tires very easily, but is feeling better. 

The main thing is that we are waiting for M.D. Anderson to set and appointment.  My Dad will be on the phone with them bright and early in the morning.  Let our prayer be that he gets an immediate response.

When Matthew was about 3, he decided to decorate a bar of soap.  This bar of soap was given to my grandparents, and has remained in their curio cabinet ever since--close to 30 years now.   In the videos below, you get a look at the soap, and my Grandmother is telling my Aunt Martha about how Matthew gave it to them.  These are very short videos, just a few seconds, but look closely at the decorations.  This is a family favorite.

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