Monday, June 6, 2011

Kudos to Dad

My Dad is really on top of things, but people are not making it easy for him.  M.D. Anderson has had a really hard time getting the insurance issues straight.  Matthew does not have traditional medical insurance, which may be one reason he didn't visit a doctor earlier.  He does have a catastrophic insurance policy (thank goodness my Mom helped him get that).  If this doesn't qualify as catastrophic, I am not really sure what does.  M.D. Anderson keeps telling my Dad that the policy won't cover the treatment.  My Dad has followed up with the insurance, who says they will cover it.  Today, it finally came down to a conference call between the case worker, my Dad, and the insurance.  The policy should cover his treatment --copay still required of course--and the caseworker said she would be back with Dad first thing in the morning. 

Dad has also been making sure Matthew eats lots of foods with antioxidants and cancer fighting properties--per Mom's orders (he makes Matthew a shake each morning).  He has been taking care of appointments and paperwork.  Additionally, Dad has been doing some electrical work on Matthew's house.  So he has been doing that morning and evening--when it is slightly cooler.  The air conditioner needs work, and Matthew has never been home to schedule an appointment.  Also, if you know Matthew, he is used to being hot all the time so he thinks air conditioning is too cold.  The air conditioner people have now cancelled twice.

Dad has also been doing his own job through this all.  All he needs is internet and his laptop (which he had to replace today, but that's another story).  

So, in case you didn't already know, my Dad is awesome.  We love you Dad!

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