Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Finished with round 1

I took Matthew to the doctor this morning to have his pump removed.  He is finished with round 1 of chemotherapy.  He is having trouble with indigestion, and some mild nausea, but nothing too bad.  He is 3 different medications that counteract the side effects.  So, they must be helping.

Dad has arrived back in New Jersey safely.  The kids are driving Matthew crazy with all of their questions, but all in all I don't think they are bugging him as badly as he wants us to think they are.  I say this because instead of napping in his room, he chose to lay down in the room where Claire was watching a movie.

The new air conditioner will be installed in two weeks.  Until then, we will just keep sweating it out--and sit very close to the fan.

Thanks for all the prayers!

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