Thursday, June 9, 2011

Always a Boy Scout

I don't have much new to report today, so I thought I would share a "Matthew story."

This story comes from Harriotte Robinson, a family friend, and the mother of one of Matthew's friends since childhood.

I am always telling the story of Matt at Chris Nesbits wedding! I remember all the planning and organizing and finishing details that happened the last days before the wedding... and MATT... you were amazing! You had this "miracle" backpack, that reminds me of "the bag of holding"! You had anything and everything in that bag. How you thought of everything... that anyone could have possibly needed... it was stunning. Tape-you had it... Scissors - you had it...pins- you had it... string- you had it... rubber bands, glue, tissues, pens, pencils, push pins, paper, hair pins, powder, spot remover, water... I don't think we ever stumped you and your bag! I have tried to imitate your example at two other weddings (never quite had your skill!!) and again I get to tell of your bottomless bag. Even now I am smiling and shaking my head, and giving you all the credit! You're da weddin' man!

This story made be think about boy scouts, so I wandered over to a Boy Scout website to double check my memory about their motto.  I found the following excerpt from the Boy Scout Handbook.....

Be Prepared.

That's the motto of the Boy Scouts.
"Be prepared for what?" someone once asked Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting,
"Why, for any old thing." said Baden-Powell.
The training you receive in your troop will help you  live up to the Scout motto. When someone has an accident, you are prepared because of your first aid instruction. Because of lifesaving practice, you might be able to save a nonswimmer who has fallen into deep water.
But Baden-Powell wasn't thinking just of being ready for emergencies. His idea was that all Scouts should prepare themselves to become productive citizens and to give happiness to other people. He wanted each Scout to be ready in mind and body for any struggles, and to meet with a strong heart whatever challenges might lie ahead.
Be prepared for life - to live happily and without regret, knowing that you have done your best. That's what the Scout motto means.

Matthew achieved the rank of Eagle in scouts, and I think that he embodies the meaning of the motto as well.  

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