Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A kink in the line?

The doctors at MD Anderson have decided that the xrays do not show that warrants surgery at this time.  They believe that it is not a tumor or a blockage, but rather a "mechanical problem"--possibly a twist or a kink.  They are taking him off of the stomach pump to see if it will clear...basically, if it will push through.

He is in a lot of pain.

He has been running a fever (it was down at the time of this post), so they have him on two different antibiotics.  The thinking is that the fever is caused by some sort of infection, but we do not know exactly where.

My understanding is that they are doing everything that they can to hold off on surgery.  They really like for it to be at least 2 weeks, and ideally at least a month since chemo before surgery.

We know that he is the best place that he can be.  I ask that you continue to pray for his healing, and for my parents.  It is so hard to watch your child suffer.

I am sharing this video because Matthew once told me he liked it a lot...I think it suits him.

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