Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy Dance--at least a small one!

We can do a little happy dance this week.  Matthew's platelet count went up to 74 --all on its own!

  This doesn't change the fact that chemo has been discontinued.  However, we were a bit concerned that the marrow may have been permanently damaged.  So, this is excellent news.

They also had a meeting with the surgeon that will do his resection.  The doctor basically said that he wouldn't do surgery if there was still cancer present.  So, the next step is appointments at M.D. Anderson.

These were already in the works, but it has taken a while to get them all straight.  Mom has gone back and forth with them on scheduling things in the right time frame (and right order) several times.  March 22nd Matthew will have his next round of scans at M.D.A.  These (Hopefully and with lots of prayers) should show that all the cancer is gone.  He will get the results from the scans with the M.D.A. oncologist on March 23rd.  He will have a follow-up with the liver surgeon on April 2nd (he has to have several meetings a year with the surgeon).

So, in short, the prayers --and time--are working so far.  Please keep them up  They are much appreciated.

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