Tuesday, December 13, 2011

An Experiment

Matthew's platelet count was low Monday.  It was around 70 (remember 100 is the goal).  Another factor is Matthew's platelet clumping, which causes his counts to be a bit off.  The doctor decided to try something different.  They decided that if they kept up with this pattern Matthew's chemo would never finish, and not do any good.  They decided to try him on the chemo in combination with the medication to help increase the platelet count (which is actually a steroid).  So far, he is doing OK.  He said he has had no major reactions, which is a good thing.  He did sound really tired though.  On the upside, he won't have to have chemo next week, so hopefully he will feel pretty good for his Christmas visit. 

Matthew has appointments at MD Anderson later this week.  I will keep you posted when I know more. 

Here's hoping the Christmas season is treating you well!  

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