Monday, November 7, 2011

More Chemo

Yes, more chemo starts tomorrow following the same schedule as before (in-office treatment on Monday, and he goes home on a pump for two more days.  That's the not so fun part.  Starting tomorrow also means that he has to take chemo the week of Thanksgiving.  :-(  His platelet counts were a bit lower than they would like, but they have decided that they would prefer he start and take a break if his platelet counts get too low. 

However, there is a good news.  Matthew saw the doctor at MD Anderson today.  The doctor came in smiling.  The blood test that checks for cancer markers came back at .9--the doctor said that is usually a really good sign. 

Mom reported that Matthew seems to be doing better.  He has been going to the gym, and the doctor is allowing him to do more, but gave him some strict limits.  Matthew has been up and about more as well.  Here's hoping for minimal side effects from the chemo this go round. 

Cancer Humor: 
What do you call a doctor who is always on the telephone?
An ON-CALLogist.

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