Sunday, October 9, 2011

Still Healing

Matthew has been home for several days now.  He is doing OK.  He is off of pain medication, which was tough.  He still has a drain in, which is draining about an ounce a day (yuck!).  He has also been giving is own heparin shot on daily basis.  Apparently this is very uncomfortable, and causes a burning sensation.  Before he left the hospital , they removed a couple of staples from his incision.  This is an open wound that he has to pack on a daily basis.  He has been very tired, and has spent very little time up and around.

He actually returned to MD Anderson today for a CT scan and more tests.  These are to check how the drains are doing, and to check other progress.  I am guessing we will get some results tomorrow.

I will post as soon as I have some more information.

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