Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Medical Drama Continues...

The Fighting Noodle!

Let's start with the good news!  Despite the set backs, Matthew's liver has continued to regenerate.  It is already at 50%, which is double what it was after surgery.   

Matthew had a CT scan today to check his bowel for kinks.  The scan did not turn up any kinks, which is also good news.  They also were able to observe some things that indicate his bowels are in working order, they just need more time. 

Finally, the CT scan revealed that Matthew probably DOES NOT have pneumonia. The CT scan did reveal a pocket of fluid in the upper abdomen.  The doctor believes that this may have formed around a hematoma that was a result of the first surgery.  The doctor believes that this is the cause of both Matthew's high pain levels and fever. 

As a result, Matthew will have a tube drain inserted first thing tomorrow morning. This drain should be smaller than the previous drain, so hopefully it will not cause much discomfort, but will provide some relief.  At this point, we are unsure about the timeline for release.  He will need to be fever free for 24 to 36 hours before release.  

Now that they know what is causing the problem, hopefully Matthew will get some MUCH NEEDED relief.  
Hopefully, I will have some good news to post tomorrow!


  1. hey, just wanted to let you know I read this all the time. It's so crazy to think all these young adults are ill. I pray for all you guys. I've got four brothers... can't imagine going through this with any of them. Even the ones I dont like that much. ;) I remember your brother from school. Be sure to remind him how awesome his sister is when he's feeling better. Stay well!

  2. And he "probably doesn't" have pneumonia. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

  3. And That Week The Grinch's,I mean...eerrr...Matthew's liver grew twice its size!

  4. Good news about the liver growth! Keep up the good work! Hopefully the drain will make short work of the pain (and the problem) and he'll be home in no time!

    -- kcby (from Atlanta)
