Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Bit More News

Results from the CAT scan came back.  The tumor has shrunk a bit more.  It is now approximately 4 cm.  This is a great thing!  On the downside, the unidentified spot on one of his lymph nodes also appeared to have shrunk.  This leads them (the doctors) to believe that this spot is most likely cancerous as well.  It is still unknown what will be done about this spot.  The PET scan has now been approved.  Matthew will go in for the PET scan tomorrow, and while we probably won't have results tomorrow, they should get some more information from this scan.  As of now, surgery is scheduled for the 20th---it is presently scheduled for 7:30, however, that will not be confirmed until the afternoon of the 19th.

For now, I will share that I remember Matthew having a Beach Boys tape when we were younger.  I will share this song, and ask that everybody keep the Good Vibrations coming.

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