Thursday, July 28, 2011

Adventures in Painting

Matthew finished Round 3 of Chemo.  He still had nausea this time around, but no vomiting.  In general he is tired, and has a headache...much like having the flu.  However, he is up and about scavenging for more things to take apart in order to recycle the scrap metal.

Matthew had a giant poster on his wall that was formerly a window hanging piece in a clothing store.  It is about 3 feet by 5 feet.  Yesterday, Matthew had Claire paint for him.  Claire loves to paint, so she had lots of fun.  Matthew requested that I include the pictures from their adventure, as well as the finished product. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Round 3

Things have been pretty quiet.  Matthew has spent a good amount of time ripping apart the old air conditioner so he can recycle the metals inside.

Matthew started with Round 3 of chemo today.  So far, so good.  He was actually out of the house when I spoke with my Mom.  However, the 2nd day was worse last time.  He was still stubborn, and didn't take the full dose of the anti-nausea medication, but my Mom did talk him into overlapping two smaller doses....hopefully that will do the trick.

The kids and I are headed down to visit again tomorrow.  They are excited to see Uncle Matthew again, and of course they will get to spend time with their Grandparents and cousin Isaac.

More news as I get it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Round 2....finished

Sorry for the late update....

Round 2 was a little bit tougher than Round 1.  Unfortunately, Tuesday night Matthew did suffer from some nausea and vomiting.  Matthew did take less than the prescribed amount of anti-nausea medication on Monday.  Hopefully, with the prescribed amount, it will not be as much of a problem next time.  He is also suffering from reflux/indigestion quite a bit.

He had the pump removed Wednesday morning, and is still suffering from some fatigue, but is a bit better.

The air conditioner was replaced on Monday, and the house is now much more pleasant.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Round 2

Day 1 of Matthew's 2nd Round of chemo went well.  So far, he is not experiencing aside any major side effects. After his treatment this morning he went out and looked for jobs (which he has to do for unemployment).  He has complained of a bit of a headache in the last few days, but it is not bad enough that he wants to take anything for it.  We hope that the next two days go as smoothly.

Thanks for the prayers...they are helping.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

When your parents move in...

So, Matthew is experiencing the opposite of having to move in with your parents....your parents, plus 86-year-old grandmother, and 10-year-old cousin move in with you.  It takes some adjustment, on everybody's part.  This week, has begun the adjustment period.

The cable man came this week.  Matthew was quite perturbed by the fact that the cable man did not accomplish his task the first time out, and had to come back a 2nd time.  If you know Matthew he gets quite upset when he feels that people aren't taking their job seriously, or are being sloppy.  Anyway, it is working now, so all is well.

The 2nd round of chemo starts tomorrow.  As before, Matthew will have a session in the office, and then go home with a pump for 3 days.  Please pray that this session is as uneventful as the last.  I will post after his office visit tomorrow.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Bossy Big Sister

So for the past 5 days I have been playing the bossy big sister.  The kids and I spent the last 6 days with Matthew.  The kids had a blast spending time with their uncle (even if they were driving him completely crazy). It is safe to say, Matthew is doing well.  The worst side effect of his first treatment seemed to be indigestion.  I got him some tums, which seemed to help. He was also a bit fatigued (which is normal) but nothing major.  He went to the movies with Evan, hung out at a book store/coffee shop with us, ate out,  watched the kids swim, went to our cousins' swim meet, and tolerated the kids bugging him nonstop.

I cleaned, made Matthew get rid of stuff, and hassled him about taking care of himself.  All stuff a big sister should do.  Matthew grumbled and complained, but did it and kept coming back for more.

The kids asked when we were going to come back and visit again....I said, "Not till after the Air Conditioner is replaced."  Yes, I am spoiled.

Mom and Dad (and Grandma and Isaac) are expected to arrive about midnight tonight.

Love to all...and thanks for the prayers.