Monday, May 23, 2011

Each small step

is one step closer to your goal.....

Matthew's recovery from surgery continues to be on track.  He was able to start liquids today.  This is the first time he has had anything by mouth since last Monday. Apparently this lemon-flavored liquid is quite tasty after that long without anything to eat or drink!   He has hit some other milestones that mean he will be released from the hospital soon.  The doctor thinks he will be able to leave Tuesday or Wednesday.

M.D. Anderson requires you to go online and request an appointment which my Dad has done. They are currently waiting for somebody to call them back, which should happen within 24 to 48 hours.  We do know that he will have to be treated at the Main Campus because his case will require more surgery.

Hopefully we will have some more good news about progress tomorrow!

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