Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Wheels Turn Slowly

The medical wheels turn slowly, but they are turning.  Dad confirmed that M.D. Anderson has received Matthew's records.  He says that he will check back tomorrow to ask when he should expect to hear back from them.

We went to see Matthew this weekend.  Matthew continues to heal.   He continues to be the stubborn Matthew we all know and love.  He said that he could pick Claire up to tell her goodbye (no, we didn't let him).  Claire told him, "No, you can't pick me up, you will hurt your big cut." The home health nurse came today and said that everything looked good.  He is supposed to get his staples out tomorrow.

There are so many people that already deserve our thanks.  Thank you to Rachel and Christopher for stepping in when the rest of us couldn't be there, for opening your home to Matthew and My Dad, for giving my Dad wireless access so he can continue to work, and for taking us in this weekend.  Thank you to Cindy Rybak for all of her help and support with legal matters and moral support, and for sending Her husband Joe and son, to mow Matthew's yard.  Jarrod Smith for his help with some legal paperwork.  Thanks to Jenny's friend Cherish for giving her a place to stay.  For all the friends and family that have said prayers, offered their help, and have offered a shoulder or ear....your thoughts, prayers, and considerations are so deeply appreciated.  Thank you with all of our hearts.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Not much new

There is not much new to report.  Matthew has been released from the hospital.  He has been getting out and about, but tires very easily.  He has been needing quite a bit of sleep.  We are still waiting on any other news.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Waiting Game

Who doesn't hate waiting?

Good news, right now Matthew is WAITING to be released!  Apparently, although they told them it would be today, my Dad is starting to wonder if it will happen.  (As of 9pm, still waiting) Matthew is ready to go.  He is moving around more, and his pain has decreased.

More WAITING is in the future.  M.D. Anderson took his information, but they have to WAIT to receive his records before they can do anything else.  Well, the hospital has to WAIT until he is released to send his records.  After they receive the records, it will most likely be a week before Matthew is seen.  So, we WAIT.

Thanks for waiting with us......

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Short Update

Matthew started solid food today.  So far, his body is responding the way it should.  He was tired, but I definitely heard some of that stubborn independent streak in him today.  That has been missing the last few days, so I take it as a good sign.   They are predicting that he will be released from the hospital tomorrow. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Each small step

is one step closer to your goal.....

Matthew's recovery from surgery continues to be on track.  He was able to start liquids today.  This is the first time he has had anything by mouth since last Monday. Apparently this lemon-flavored liquid is quite tasty after that long without anything to eat or drink!   He has hit some other milestones that mean he will be released from the hospital soon.  The doctor thinks he will be able to leave Tuesday or Wednesday.

M.D. Anderson requires you to go online and request an appointment which my Dad has done. They are currently waiting for somebody to call them back, which should happen within 24 to 48 hours.  We do know that he will have to be treated at the Main Campus because his case will require more surgery.

Hopefully we will have some more good news about progress tomorrow!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

And so The Battle Begins.....

From what we now know, Matthew has been having intermittent stomach problems for a few months.  The time frame is unclear, but we know it has probably been severe for the last 6 – 8 weeks.  The only person he mentioned the problems to was his aunt at Grandpa Lawrence’s funeral during the first week of April.

Once he finally went to the doctor, he was admitted quickly to the hospital for what was thought to be a bowel obstruction of some sort.  He had surgery on Tuesday, May 17th.  During surgery, the doctor discovered that a large mass had perforated his intestine causing an infection.  The doctor removed the tumor and 6-8 inches of his intestine, and put a colostomy in place.  A biopsy of the mass revealed cancer.  In addition, what was thought to be an abscess on the liver was later determined to be a tumor as well. The doctor felt that the liver required a specialist.

At this point, he seems to be recovering from this procedure well.  According to his visitors, he is in good spirits.  He is working hard at recovery, doing his breathing exercises and walking as much as he can stand (given the foot long incision that he is has down his middle).  Uncle Christopher has been there daily, for which the family is eternally thankful.  Jennifer (number 6 for those that are new to the game) arrived in Lake Jackson Saturday, and Dad, is due to arrive this evening (Sunday).

The current plan is to get him into a treatment plan at M.D. Anderson (#1 Cancer Treatment Center, conveniently located in Houston), as soon as possible.  We know that his treatment will involve chemotherapy, radiation, and more surgery, and will most likely last a year.  Beyond this we have to wait for more details.

And so the battle begins....

Out of the Blue, Uninvited

As Emily has said, this diagnosis has come completely, "Out of the Blue," and definitely "Uninvited."  Matthew, at all of 32 years old, has been diagnosed with Colon Cancer.

I have decided that I will try to blog about his journey as a way to:
1)Do SOMETHING (not being able to do anything is tough)
2)Keep the masses informed (Those cell phone minutes can add up)
3)Provide hope and courage through Matthew’s heroic journey as he Kicks Cancer's Butt!