Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Four years

It is hard to believe it has been 4 years since you left this world.  I know you are still around.  This morning, while searching for something completely different, something popped up in my search that I just knew was from you.  This is it.  What I should share with others, and a reminder to me as well.  Thanks for the message Matthew!  You are never far from our thoughts and always in our hearts.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

A Note To Taryn

*Taryn has been the T. Boone Pickens Hospice Center for the last month.

Dear Taryn,

I remember when you first started at MST.  You were so wonderfully optimistic and full of energy!  You faced challenges head-on from the moment I met you.  You dived right in to teach those first graders, and gave it everything you had.  I had no idea that you might not be feeling well yourself.

One time, I was checking in on you to see how things were going.  You casually asked me if I had ever had a colonoscopy.  I shared my experience, and let you know that it wasn't that bad.  You faced it with optimism and courage, just like you have continued to face everything.

The shirts that you have created to support kids going to camp say BE BRAVE.  You have lived this motto at every turn since your diagnosis.  You attended the Colon Cancer run very soon after your surgery.  You were uncomfortable and still recovering, but you were determined to be there.

April 1, just a day before your big liver surgery, you attended my brother Matthew's funeral. Since Matthew had passed away from Colon Cancer,  I can't even imagine how you must have felt that day.  I could not believe it when I saw you walk in.  You put all your fears aside to support me, and to be there for me that day.  It was amazing, and something that I will never forget.  My hope for my children is that they live their lives with the same fierce determination and bravery that you have.

The poem, The Dash, says it so well:
"If we could just slow down enough to consider what is true and realand always try to understand the way other people feel.And be less quick to anger and show appreciation moreand love the people in our lives like we have never loved before.If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile,Remembering that this special dash might only last a little while."

You have lived your dash so well, and I am so grateful and blessed that I have got to know you.  All my love and prayers to you and your family.  The way you live your life will forever be remembered by those who know you.


In honor of the Dear Matthew project, if Taryn has touched your life in any way, you can send a note tthe "Dear Taryn Project" by sending her a note with a memory or photo.  Please send it to notestotaryn@gmail.com

Monday, March 27, 2017

3 Years--Gifts

Matthew left us three years ago today.  Matthew has given me many gifts throughout the years, but through his battle with colon cancer, he may have given me the biggest gift of all.

Matthew was diagnosed with Colon Cancer in May of 2011.  He was 32 years old at the time.  Since I was older, my doctor recommended a colonoscopy ASAP.  So I had one in June of 2011.  It came back clear, and I was told to return in 5 years.  Five years have passed, as time does, and I thought about putting off my colonoscopy because--well they aren't the most fun.  However, I went ahead and got it out of the way thinking that the doctor would say it was all clear, come back in 5 years.

This time however, the doctor found several polyps that were precancerous.  For those that don't know, colon cancer can take about 10 years to develop from polyps.  I am 40, and screenings don't usually start until 50.  If it hadn't been for Matthew, my polyps most likely would not have been discovered until they had already become cancerous.  So although it means more frequent colonoscopies, I am so very grateful for the gift Matthew gave me.

I say again, have your colonoscopies done!!  The temporary discomfort is so worth it.

Our friend Taryn has been having a very rough time of it lately.  She has been struggling with a lot of pain, and frequent hospitalizations.  Please keep her and her family in your prayers.  She desperately just wants to be home with her dogs and husband!

As I write this post, I still feel the same way I did two years ago in my blog post.


Matthew had these attributes, Taryn has these attributes.  May we all strive to have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, and Brave Spirit.  

Matthew--you were loved and we miss you.   Thank you for all of your gifts!  

Friday, March 27, 2015

One Year

“When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live.”--Stuart Scott

Today, March 27th, marks one year since Matthew has left us.  I have had thoughts tossing around in my head for weeks now, and I decided I needed to revisit this blog.....I apologize in advance if it is long.

I want to start with colon cancer.  Colon cancer is the no. 2 cancer killer in the US.   However, with screening it can actually be prevented.  Yet so many of us are hesitant to go to the doctor about intestinal or bowel issues.  They are easily written off as irritable bowel, bad diet, etc.  However, the under 50 crowd (that doesn't have recommended screenings) is the largest growing group for colon cancer diagnosis.  Colonoscopies are not fun, but they are preferable to cancer diagnosis and treatment.  If you are having issues, no matter how young you are, go ahead and ask your doctor to have one done.  Many times they are 100% covered by insurance if you have any kind of cancer history in your family, but either way, they are worth it.

This brings me to Taryn.  I wrote about Taryn (my young coworker) and her battle with stage 4 colon cancer last year.  After several months of no evidence of disease (NED), I am saddened to report that new tumors were discovered just last week.  She is once again fighting that evil monster we know as colon cancer.  Please offer her your prayers and thoughts as she fights anew.  This brave young lady took the time out to support us, and attend Matthew's funeral last year when she was in town for her own surgery.  I think of her and pray for her often, and I ask that you will too.

My friend and coworker Tammy was also battling colon cancer at this time last year.  She has done well, but I ask that you continue to pray for her as well.

Which brings me to Matthew.... one year.  I can't believe that one year is gone already.  It doesn't seem that long ago that he was arguing with me about this or that.  I have had time to reflect.  Many times, when someone dies, the negative is never spoken of, and the deceased becomes somewhat of a saint.  Matthew had his flaws, so I don't want to say that he didn't.  At times, he could be one of the most frustrating people that I have ever met.  However, he was also one of the most generous souls that I have ever known.  At the end of Matthew's life, we were able to see and hear all of the stories about the ways that Matthew touched people's lives, and some even said changed their lives.  It was truly a gift.

Which leads me to Being Brave...Be Brave is the motto for the fabulous line of bracelets called Bravelets. that you can purchase to support many different types of cancer. Jenny first shared these with me when Matthew was first diagnosed.

Being Brave has been on my mind lately.  Matthew was Brave.  Not just in the way that he fought cancer, but in the way he lived life.  He never changed who he was or what he believed in for anybody.  He lived in his own way, and made decisions that others didn't always agree with. Everything in life, he always did it his way, despite what others would say--despite adversity.  He would speak up when he thought something was wrong.  He never kept his mouth shut because he was afraid of the fall out.

I have thought about it a lot in the last couple of months, and it is one thing I wish for my children-- the ability to Be Brave, and to always stand up for what they believe is right, and never compromise who they are and what they stand for.

Facing Cancer takes bravery.  I pray, hope, and wish every day for all those that I know that fight this battle, and others, whose stories I have heard.  I pray for their loved ones that have to be brave as well.

Live every day... BE BRAVE!


...Yes Emily...this may be the Disney version...but hey--people like Disney.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The Fighting Noodle has lost his fight against the colon cancer monster, be although his battle is over, the war wages on.  Our friend Taryn, faces a big challenge tomorrow with her liver surgery.  Please take a moment to keep her in your prayers.  The surgery is long and difficult.  

Taryn has been a brave warrior!  But she is also awesome and kind.  She even took the time to come to Matthew's services.  

Thank you in advance for continuing to support and pray for others who fight this war.  We're cheering for you Taryn!

Friday, March 28, 2014


Just in case anybody needs or wants this information.

Viewing for the public will take place:
Monday, March 31st 5-8 PM at 
Stroud Funeral Home
538 N. Hwy 288B 
Clute, TX 77531 

And April 1st 9:30-11 at 
St. Michael’s Catholic Church
100 Oak Dr S, 
Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Funeral Services will begin at 11:00.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Dear Matthew

Dear Matthew,

This morning, around 9:30, you left us.  We are going to miss you so much.  I know that you did so many things in this life to try to protect us from hurt.  This hurts, but we will be OK.  Thank you for allowing us to share this journey with you.

This life wasn't the easiest for you.  You faced many adversities, and your day-to-day as an adult was anything but easy or comfortable.  Yet, you did it, and then you did more to help others.  We knew that, but it was only through this journey, that we were able to see and share just HOW MANY people you made an impact on in this life.

  I have faith that we will see you again.  Until then, we will carry your memories with us as an inspiration and a reminder that we are here to help each other.

Love Always,
All of Us


Thank you to all of his friends and our extended family.  Arrangements will be posted when they are finalized.