Thursday, June 20, 2013

Two Years...Belated

So, I am like a month late here, and I apologize.  The end of school was kind of crazy.  Not related to Matthew, but congratulations to Jennifer, for landing her first teaching job!  She will be teaching first grade right down the road from me at Richardson Terrace Elementary.

May 17th was two years since Matthew's diagnosis.  The fight continues on, and Matthew continues to beat the odds.  When I last posted, his port had been removed due to infection.  After some recovery time he had his port reinserted and resumed chemo.  His latest checkup showed that one of the tumors did shrink a bit, which is great considering the fact that he missed a couple of chemo treatments.  He had another bowel obstruction scare, which put him back in the hospital for a couple of days, but it resolved  on its own again (and much faster than last time).  Overall he is doing pretty well.  Emily and Jennifer just visited and spent some time with him.

Cancer is horrible, and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.  However, horrible situations allow for people's kindness and good nature to come is a wonderful example.
Matthew enjoys playing a video game called Team Fortress 2. Jeffrey contracted the company, Valve, regarding Matthew.  In return, the wonderful people at Valve sent Matthew an avatar that is personalized with Matthew's *signature* leather jacket, and a kind note.

A big shout out goes to the wonderful people that work at Valve that took their time to make Matthew's day (maybe even year).  I know that this made him very happy.  Also, thanks to Jeffrey for making this happen, of everything that you could do for your brother, this was the perfect thing....