Thursday, March 7, 2013

Three month scan

Unfortunately, the news is not great.  The scan showed a new growth in the ascending colon.  I have included the picture for reference.  This growth was roughly about 1/2 inch.  In September, they removed a drug from his chemo cocktail because his liver function was starting to be impacted.  The cocktail had previously worked to shrink his tumors.  They will be adding this drug back to his chemo cocktail in hopes that his liver function has recovered and that is will help the tumor. 

The fact that he had a 6 month period with no growth is pretty amazing.  He seems to continue to be in good spirits.  For now, he will continue to take chemo.  Thanks for all of the continuing thoughts and prayers. And...since the Harlem Shake is the "thing" to do right now, I thought I would throw this in.  Harlem Shake...chemo edition.....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Some catching up....

I apologize that this update is long overdue.  Life has been crazy....sick baby, baseball, work, etc..... Sorry for the excuses, I will try to do better. There hasn't been anything really major to report.

Matthew has been continuing chemo.  He has had to space a few sessions further than two weeks apart because of low counts.  He has had low white counts, which needed a boost, and some additional recovery time between treatments. He went for a 3-month scan at MD Anderson yesterday...results to come. He has been having increased back pain, so that is of some concern. 

He has been keeping busy with his spare time. For Valentine's Day, he made a gift for the nurses at the cancer treatment center in Lake Jackson where he gets his treatments (boy has he learned about being kind to the nurses.)  He made a planter out of recycled materials.  The planter box was made from an old pallet that he sanded and painted.  The pots (I believe) were somehow made from plastic bags that he ironed??????  The "flowers" were boxes of candy.  I thought it was really neat.